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Chamber Information

a side view of the front entrance of the martin house

What Is A Chamber of Commerce?

A Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of business and professional people dedicated to the economic well-being of their community. By working for a healthy economic climate of good jobs, capital creation, and honest, efficient government, a Chamber of Commerce helps to solve many community problems of a growing area.

A chamber’s strength lies in the number and diversity of its membership. Both large and small businesses from virtually every profession are represented and influenced by the direction of the Chamber’s programs. These programs are financed by membership investments in the chamber.

Members Are The Chamber

The more members the Chamber has, the better it can represent the business community. It accomplishes collectively what no one business can do alone. A Chamber of Commerce is NOT a department of local government … a social, civic, or charitable institution… a private advertising, publicity, or public relations agency.


What A Chamber Of Commerce Does

A Chamber of Commerce does what its membership wants it to do. Its basic function is that of economic development in a plan or philosophy accepted by its community. Community factors that affect economic development… education, culture, transportation, health care services, local government, and others … may come under the scrutiny and the programs of the chamber.

Additional functions of the Chamber of Commerce include research and information. Market statistics and facts, and information about community activities are disseminated by the chamber to a variety of publics … economic prospects, existing businesses, mass media, the membership, newcomers, students and others

The Chamber of Commerce represents business and professional interests before elected bodies. Ordinances, legislation and regulations affecting business and the economic climate are addressed by Chambers. Chambers involve themselves in public issues affecting roads, schools, transportation and business.

How The Chamber Of Commerce Functions

The Chamber of Commerce organizes to identify community problems and issues and provides the leadership to solve these problems.

Officers and directors are elected to choose policies based on the mandate of the membership. Member volunteers are organized into committees that identify goals and programs for the year. Once these goals are approved by the Board of Directors, they become the chamber’s Program of Work. Committees then form and work to accomplish the specific objectives of the Program of Work.

Why Join The Chamber

How in the world can business or professional people deal with all of today’s issues that are making it almost impossible for businesses to perform its functions in our society–providing jobs, profitable returns on investments, creating the wealth needed to make our society safe, healthful and a great place to live?


The Business Executive Has 5 Options For Dealing With These Problems

  1. TAKE INDIVIDUAL ACTION  — The executive can opt to take individual action in attempting to solve the problems. No one can hope to solve these problems alone, particularly so if at the same time it is necessary to sustain a profitable business.
  2. HIRE A STAFF  — The executive could allocate some of the company’s resources to hiring a staff of experienced and competent people whose assignment would be to solve these problems. This is a little better than individual action and terribly expensive.
  3. LET THE GOVERNMENT DO IT  — The executive could opt to let the government deal with these issues. The cost in taxes, regulatory controls, and business development constraints would make it prohibitively costly and could conceivably jeopardize the profitable continuation of the business.
  4. DO NOTHING  — The executive can always opt to do nothing. THIS WOULD BE THE SAME AS OPTING TO LET GOVERNMENT DO IT.
  5. TAKE COLLECTIVE ACTION  — The executive could opt to band together with other concerned executives and undertake collective and coordinated action to deal with issues. THIS IS VOLUNTARISM, the most powerful force for change and achieving society’s goals ever devised. THIS IS A CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.

When courageous business leaders band together to undertake aggressive action programs that are in the best interest of the total community, both business and the community prosper.

This is the purpose of a chamber of commerce, but only with the members’ maximum participation and investment will it be this kind of force.

Why Join The San Dimas Chamber (Reasons)

  1. It affords an excellent vehicle for the betterment of San Dimas. Its sound guidance and economic planning contribute to the overall stability of the community.
  2. Progressive business people realize that what is best for the community is best for their firms. A wholesome community is the chief aim of the Chamber.
  3. Through promotional work of the Chamber of Commerce, more residents, business and industry enter San Dimas, and make for better business for all merchants and professional people.
  4. Through cooperative efforts, local business people, through the Chamber of Commerce, accomplish what individuals cannot do alone.
  5. Maintains close liaison with city government in traffic, parking, and freeway developments.
  6. Emphasizes the importance in community planning, zoning, and modernization and beautification.
  7. Promotes San Dimas as a retail shopping, commercial and professional area.
  8. Encourages business attention to school problems, and coordinates education, business, and industry for better liaison.
  9. Establishes regular, scheduled monthly meetings, and other programs of member contact.
  10. Accelerates governmental affairs activities at state and national levels, specifically pertaining to local interest.
  11. Continues a program of assistance to existing industry in product files and referrals, site developments and community relations.
  12. Revises and improves expanded printed promotional materials to assist all areas of the business and industrial community.
  13. Membership in the Chamber is an investment in a better San Dimas and an opportunity for you to do your fair share in maintaining San Dimas’ growth. San Dimas has grown and is growing, and the Chamber’s functions are greatly enlarged. You have a right to share the advantages of a better San Dimas as well as the responsibilities.