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Ambassador and Member Services Committee

Stimulates membership by developing and maintaining the identity and image of the Chamber throughout the community and investing in projects that are beneficial to the membership.

Economic Development Committee

Works to create a better community atmosphere in order to attract new business, industry, recreation, and residents and assists existing businesses in achieving profit and excellence.

Legislative Affairs Committee

Reviews and evaluates current and pending legislative issues as they pertain to our community and keeps the membership and the business community informed on issues of concern.

Marketing Committee

Reviews and updates Chamber publications, always seeking new avenues of communication. The monthly Chamber publications and press release section on the website disseminates information and articles of interest to the membership, business, government, and area residents.

Community Relations Committee

Reviews areas where the Chamber can partner with local organizations to help fulfill the mission of the Chamber for a better San Dimas.

Event Ad-Hoc Committees

Throughout the year there are many different ways for members to get involved including participating on an event committee. Chamber events such as the Career Expo, CTE Programs, Teacher of the Year, and Beer & Wine Walk need committee volunteers.

Call the Chamber office today to become a part of any of the committees mentioned above